About Us
The Honey Exchange is a family business. Phil and Meghan Gaven and daughters Maura and Caitlin opened the store in the summer of 2011.
It started with a single hive
We started keeping a single hive in 2008 on a whim. Over the next several years our enthusiasm grew as we mentored new beekeepers, did presentations at local schools, took classes and kept reading about and studying honeybees.
And grew into a business idea
We want to have a store that expresses our admiration for everything honeybees do for the planet. We are a central place where beekeepers can extract their honey conveniently, and buy the equipment they need for their apiaries. At the same time we recognize that managing a hive of bees isn't for everyone. The store gives everyone an opportunity to learn about honeybees, safely see the workings of the bees in our observation hive, and support local beekeepers who sell their honey and beeswax products.
Our motto
The motto we have comes from E.M. Statler: "Life is service. The one who progresses is the one who gives his fellow human beings a little more, a little better service."