Health and the Honeybee
The therapeutic application of bee products, or apitherapy, is an ancient practice [finding] its place in modern medicine. History reveals that Greek and Roman civilizations benefited from the fruits of the hive, and that the first Chinese acupuncture may have been the sting of a bee. For more than 60 years Vermont beekeeper Charles Mraz has brought the natural benefits of apitherapy to thousands of individuals. He has pioneered the use of bee venom to treat auto-immune diseases, particularly arthritis and multiple sclerosis. In this personal recounting of his life's work Mraz shares outstanding case histories and offers practical information based on his unparalleled experiences as a practitioner of bee venom therapy. [from the book jacket]
"Part shaman, part showman, part M.D., part honeybee, Mraz is a national treasure." -Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.
[92 pages, paperback]